Torrent Paradise alternatives to search for torrent series and movies are there? List 2023

Torrent Paradise alternatives to search for torrent series and movies are there? List 2023

In the world of P2P downloads, TorrentParadise is one of the best-known brands above a large number of competitors. In fact, it has displaced portals like ThePirateBay or KickAss among the options of millions of users who download content via torrent daily .

The advantages of this website in relation to the others is that it is not a database as such, but rather a metasearch engine that gives you access to millions of P2P files available on the Internet for download . In addition, they are not limited only to series and movies, but also allow you to access all kinds of software, games and others.

However, this website has recently suffered a notice from the authorities. His fans are somewhat worried because they know that this could mean the closure of the portal, but the most cautious ones know that this is not the case. In this article you will learn why this website cannot be closed and we leave you some alternatives to it in case the worst happens one day.

What is Torrent-Paradise and why is it impossible to close?

TorrentParadise is a decentralized meta-search engine for torrent files, built entirely on the new IPFS (Internet Planetary File System) system . Its database is inspired by the well-known portal ThePirateBay , which contains more than 20 million files to its credit.

Beyond the torrents and the variety of downloadable files, what is truly striking about this website is that it uses IPFS decentralized technology. This is nothing more than a file storage system in a P2P network that has the particularity of being able to keep files alive even when part of the network is removed or displaced .

To do this, it makes use of a series of complex protocols that you may not understand, but all this translates into an undeniable reality; TorrentParadise is impossible to close .

Why is it impossible to close? To begin with, it is a completely decentralized web , which means that so are its servers, which means that no legal body in any country can influence it.

But beyond that, there is the fact that even closing the web completely, the network will always remain, so it is enough to simply create another one with a different domain . They currently have the domain, but it is best to follow their official accounts on social networks so that you are aware of any future domain changes.

IPFS Protocol (Inter Planetary File System) Is it really a perfect solution? Advantages and disadvantages of this decentralized system

As we have been telling you, the real novelty of this website is that it is made with IPFS technology . Thanks to the aforementioned qualities, it is becoming one of the main alternatives to circumvent the censorship that the authorities and large audiovisual production companies want to apply.

However, not everything is rosy with it, since we currently do not fully control it, and there are some flanks that remain to be covered , so, at the moment, it cannot be considered a perfect solution .

Advantages of IPSF technology

The main advantage of this technology is that it allows you to create networks of files that are impossible to delete , since once the indexer uploads a file, it is encrypted and becomes impossible to delete. It is as if every time you upload a document to the web you are making a tattoo with it.

This not only happens with files, programs and videos, but also with each of the files that make up the web in general . This means that the portal code base will always be available, and you simply have to copy them to a different server to have an exact replica of it .

What means that if a domain is closed, in a matter of minutes you can open an identical website in another. All this comes together to create the most desired superpower by torrent website developers, and that is being able to create a port that is virtually impossible to remove .

Disadvantages of IPFS technology

As we mentioned before, this solution is not perfect at the moment, and all this goes through the issue of access to content . To be able to enter the IPSF version, a series of technical knowledge about it is necessary, since you will not be able to enter it with a common domain.

In this sense it is similar to what happens when you browse the DeepWeb , where domains are strange codes with numbers and letters that you must always remember to enter them.

This occurs due to the lack of a naming protocol like the DNS we know in the centralized internet . In addition to this, to enter you must enter a series of commands in a terminal to finish the configuration and installation of the network.

List of the best alternative Torrent file search engines to TorrentParadise to take into account in case it closes

As you will understand, closing a website like Torrent-Paradise is really impossible . However, you always have to be prepared as the authorities have very smart people working on finding a way to render this technology useless.

For this reason, below we present the best torren file search engines in case this new portal closes one day .


This is one of the best-known torrent file metasearch engines in the P2P user community. At the time it was also very innovative since its search algorithm was based on that of Google itself, which is why it was very effective .

It still continues to be so because it has a community of millions of users who download millions of files every month from its interface, which is very easy to use. As recommended by the developers themselves, it is best to use a VPN network to keep your IP anonymous.


This is another search engine that, like the previous one, bases its search algorithm on Google’s to give you greater precision when carrying out your searches. What this website does is connect to more than 400 P2P download portals to find the files you are looking for.

The novelty of this is that it will only show you those files that are verified and risk-free , thus being one of the safest websites in the world in this sense. However, since it is not a single community that is part of the seeder network, it is recommended to use a VPN to keep the IP anonymous.


A lesser known portal but in a short time has created a large community of users who use it to search for their torrents. Its search algorithm is very efficient, showing you hundreds of results in the same search .

However, it has a mole, and that is that it does not verify the files it shows you, so it is best to always have the antivirus active to protect you from any threat, without forgetting to also use the VPN to be more protected.

Also Read: KickAss Torrent shuts down What alternative torrenting websites are still open? List 2023


This is a search engine that has been on the market for many years. In fact, the quality of its services has caught the attention of the authorities on several occasions in which they have closed it completely.

However, they have managed to circumvent all the censorship in a good way to stay afloat. From it you will be able to access torrents available on hundreds of P2P download pages around the world .


We close with this page not suitable for the most orthodox. Its website does not have the best design, nor does it have the most ingenious interface, but it perfectly fulfills its task of searching for torrents even under rocks .

Undoubtedly, this portal is what you need to access all the P2P files on the Internet. Its main problem is the large amount of advertising on it, which is very invasive and hinders the user experience.