Zippyshare alternative websites for direct download are still active? List 2023

Zippyshare alternative websites for direct download are still active? List 2023

Zippyshare is a very famous website, although not everyone can access it, since it has been blocked in some countries. Although it sounds redundant, we want to clarify that it is not in all countries, so other regions and continents still have free access.

To find out which are those regions and countries that can still access this site, we invite you to continue reading, which you will also find some websites that serve as an alternative to Zippyshare .

In this list of 10 alternatives you will find from very famous websites, to websites that you had not even heard of but still offer an excellent service, for the enjoyment of all its users.

What happened to Zippyshare, the famous direct download portal?

Zippyshare is a website which allows direct downloads for free, since it was launched on the market it has achieved a better position in fame every day. Many name this page as an excellent alternative to Mega or other pages that offer this excellent service.

With Zippyshare you can upload any type of file, as well as images, photos, videos, as long as it does not exceed 500 MB of capacity , which is the limit determined by the page for those who use the free mode. Each file can last uploaded to the page for more than 30 days , and what users really like is that it offers a fast download.

Zippyshare closed or not working anymore?

Direct download has been implemented for a few years now, all after the successful launch of Megaupload , which today is extinct. There are many pages that have wanted to develop the same operation, and among them is Zippyshare. Although for people from the European continent, they can no longer access it.

At first it started with only Spain, but no one living on the European continent  will be able to access it anymore. Despite the fact that her fame increased in Spain (which may be the cause of the blockade in Europe ), now she is only active for other countries . Among the continents that can still access it is the American one .

What are the best alternatives to Zippyshare?

Just as there is Zippyshare that offers the direct download service , there are also others like the ones that we are going to show you below. Their services are very similar, although if you live in Spain you will want to know which ones are currently active, but we assure you that all of these that you will find below still provide their services. Another good alternative is to visit torrent websites , some are still open at the moment.

We do not know if the blockade of Zippyshare , which is not only for the European continent , but also for others like the American one , or simply achieve a permanent blockade of the web, for this reason, do not underestimate this list that we leave.

If we are looking for a perfect alternative, then SaberCat is that. It offers a storage service for all types of files, with 5GB of space and excellent upload and download speeds. Thanks to its organization and page layout, it can be used quickly and easily, it has a style very similar to that of WordPress .

And if you are one of those users who wants a free mode , you can find it here. Although in premium mode you can find an unlimited service . We cannot escape mentioning that you can create a user and access from your Google, Facebook or Twitter account , so that you do not have to memorize a new user with a new password.

This is also an excellent option, we can store our files without an expiration date. We can make a free and a free registration , but also a mechanism for referrals , where you register, create your link, share it with your friends and every time they place an order you will receive a bonus , which you can redeem and thus enjoy a better service.

Its file download and upload speed is really amazing, and also in premium mode we can do multiple downloads of any file. Its storage system is totally easy to use, and to share so that others can download what we share.


This is a famous place where we can access as many times as we want to store our files in the cloud , and also share it with our friends and acquaintances to download them again whenever and however we want. This is widely used for PC software downloads, since its content upload and download speed is very significant.

This offers a high security system that prevents anyone else from modifying our files without our consent, this platform being one of the safest compared to others. Thanks to these and many other things, Mediafire has an excellent reputation among its users.


This is also a well-known website , especially if you are one of those who loves to download things pirated. 4Shared offers a 10GB service for free use, and to expand it to 100GB you have to pay 10 euros per month . Therefore, if we want to use it in free mode, we will have to put up with the large number of ads that this website shows.

The disadvantage of this page is that it offers us a zero level of privacy, which makes many people uncomfortable, but otherwise it is a website that fulfills its functions. Like the other websites dedicated to the storage service, it offers the opportunity to share the uploaded content through links, in order to download it from anywhere.


It is a very famous website, although it was previously known as YouSendIt , but the fact that they have changed their name does not mean that their quality has decreased. Open text allows you to store files with a size of 250MB and 2GB of storage. But unlike the free mode, the Premium (paid) mode offers unlimited service and a storage size of up to 10GB.

This is more recognized and popular by people who teach courses or virtual workshops, although despite all this, this website sometimes presents errors in its use, especially when uploading files.


Send Space is a website that allows us to store files of any type, with a limit in free mode of 300MB , which if they do not have the required interaction will be deleted after 30 days, its speed may vary, and all depending on the size and file type, although in premium mode this is not usually the case.

The premium mode has a cost of $10 per month , which one of the advantages is that it increases the storage service to 100 GB without any expiration , and up to 4GB for files.


A well-known website for its service, although it does not stand out more than its competition, since it is just like them. In free mode, it offers a maximum size of 10 GB per file and unlimited space, but what makes it striking is that we can upload content and it offers us 90 days to delete it if there is no movement on it.

This site has a downloadable application to upload with it wherever we go, in addition to being available in most countries and in different languages, files can be uploaded from HTTP or FTP servers .


Used by many of the great professionals, with a downloadable mobile platform that allows uploading and downloading of any file. Its interface and design is completely basic, which allows us to master its system quickly, as well as offering us the opportunity to share our files with anyone else.

Its security level is a bit high, although not high enough, but even so it is still a good tool for those of us looking for alternatives to Zippyshare, thanks to the fact that their services are very similar.

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Although this tool is not as famous as many of the ones we have named here, it offers an excellent service in terms of uploading and downloading files. Compatible with most browsers and available in most countries.

Wetransfer offers a free mode and a plus mode, although they are different, both can be used to the fullest, we can also find the application for Android. We can also share with our friends, family and acquaintances everything we upload so that they can download it without any problem.


Finally, we leave this marvelous tool that allows you to share files anonymously and with a record . Although the benefits of sharing anonymously are not the same as those that can be obtained when we have a record. As well as, if we have a paid mode, this can offer us much more benefits as well as unlimited space .