How to download videos from to watch them without an Internet connection? step by step guide

How to download videos from to watch them without an Internet connection? step by step guide

Enjoying movies, series or documentaries on the RTVE platform is a unique and comfortable experience. We can meet up with friends and watch from our living room or anywhere we choose without spending more.

In addition, it offers us the possibility of viewing from our mobile device or any other offline . To download this kind of audiovisual content it is necessary to have a good Internet download speed.

In the following paragraphs we will talk about what type of content we can download from this platform, what is the necessary Internet speed to download this content without any complications, and we will also present the best tools so that you can watch without connecting to the network or spending your mobile data.

Since its creation, more than 60 years ago, this mercantile company has as its objective the transmission of audiovisual and radio content, dividing its services into Spanish Television and National Radio of Spain.

Since 2006, through Law 17/2006, this entity was refounded, changing aspects such as its financing, mode of administration and, above all, the content of its services.

This is why RTVE has become a platform where we can download content from its website related to documentaries, series, cooking shows, movies and also archive videos.

We can download each of these audiovisual contents in qualities from HD and up to 4k, obviously being “Files” the section that offers a lower quality due to its age in its videos.

What is the ideal Internet speed to download high definition videos from

The quality with which we can download these contents forces us to have a good Internet connection , its speed being a key factor so that we can enjoy each audiovisual event that we download.

In order to determine the time it will take to download a movie or series from this platform, we need to perform an Internet speed test. There are many web pages that offer this service, but very few can specify the data exactly as we do on our site.

We can present reports about the real speed that exists to download the audiovisual content and also the latency of your connection.

You can find out the speed of your connection with our speed test .

Steps to download RTVE videos to watch them later outline

In order to watch videos from the RTVE platform, we can download them to any device and then we can watch them in outline. We have to clarify that these steps can only be done by people who live in Spain.

For this we will follow the steps listed below:

We search in our browser

The first thing we have to do is open the browser on our computer or mobile device and write “RTVE a la carte” .

The website we are looking for will appear first, so we will have to click on the option.

Enter the platform

Once we are inside the platform, a list will appear with each of the movies or series that we can choose from alphabetically.

Choice of audiovisual content

In order to choose what we want to see, we can search for it through the filters that the page has, choosing between series, movie, and we can also select those that are broadcast or all.

We copy the URL that we will use in subsequent steps

program download

When we have already identified the chapter of the series or the movie that we need to see, what we have to do are the following steps:

  • We open a new tab on the computer
  • We look for the
  • Once we have entered it, we will put the URL of the movie or series that we want to see on RTVE in the search bar ( the one we copied in the previous step )
  • We choose the “Download” option , if we need to download the subtitles we can choose “Download subtitles (es)”

save the file

Once we have the option to download our content, what we will do is:

  • Right click on the “Download” option
  • We choose “Save link as”
  • We click on the destination where we want to save our movie or series
  • The file will then be downloaded

Using the Browser’s Inspect Tool

Another way to download a video is with these steps:

  • Once we have selected the movie or program that we want to see, we right click on an empty area
  • Next, we choose “Inspect” , a box will open with the source codes
  • We choose the “Network” tab
  • We look for the option “XHR”
  • We click on the “Play” of the video
  • We select “playlist” , which is a file that will appear in the first line of the table
  • We choose the “Headers” tab
  • Selection Argentina select the URL that will appear in the first section of the section “General”
  • We copy the URL, but up to the MP4 extension, not including the slash or slash
  • We paste this website in the address bar of the browser
  • Next, we choose “Save” , choosing the destination that we need
  • We click on “Save”

Also Read: What are the best movie websites to watch movies and series online? List 2023

List of the best websites and tools to download RTVE videos for free

We will now present the best websites and different tools that exist to be able to download videos for free from the RTVE platform.

These are:

This page offers us a video download bar with which we only have to copy the URL of the content we want to download. After a few minutes of analysis we choose the place where we will save it and simply click on the save option.

A case very similar to the previous one, we simply have to paste the link of the video that we want to see. You also have the option of downloading the application on a mobile phone. We can also add subtitles.

With this page we can download not only the RTVE platform application but we can also do it from social networks like Instagram or any other. We just have to copy the URL and select download

A very good way to download audiovisual content is through this page, it is free and we simply need to copy the URL, it can also be used through Android devices.

Also oriented Twitter page you can download different kinds of movies or series through the URL that we have to copy in your bar.

On this page we can convert videos to MP3 or MP4 formats, we simply need to have the URL of the audiovisual content that we want to see

We can download videos from RTVE and also from different social networks, its steps are very simple and it also gives us the option of watching it online. Available to use through the Chrome browser on Android devices.

A tool that will help us quickly download the videos that we need to see, whether they are movies or series. It gives us to choose the format in which we want to download the content.

It is aimed primarily at downloading content from the social network Twitter, but it can be used very well through the platform. We simply have to enter the laurel that has the movie or series that we want to see and we can download it in an MP4 or MP4 HD format.