How to create a mailing list in WordPress – Email Marketing 101

How to create a mailing list in WordPress – Email Marketing 101

Do you want to create a mailing list in WordPress? Email marketing is the best way to keep in touch with your readers. And it is much more effective in reaching your audience than just social media.

In this beginner’s guide to email marketing, we’ll show you how to easily create an email list in WordPress.

Since this is a longer article, we have put together a table of contents below to walk through each section.

  • What is a mailing list?
  • Why is email marketing important?
  • How to start building your mailing list?
  • What service to use to create mailing lists?
  • How to add a subscription form with WPForms?
  • How to add your subscription forms Optin with OptinMonster?

What is a broadcast list?

A mailing list is a group of people who have requested to receive regular email updates from you. Typically, people access your mailing list by adding their information to a login form on your site.

Building a mailing list allows you to stay in touch with your readers and customers using email marketing software.

And since email is such a reliable form of communication, you can easily inform your readers about anything that is happening, such as new products, sales, or special announcements.

Why is email marketing important?

On our websites, email marketing outperforms social media marketing in the number of clicks.

We have tested this several times and the result is always the same: emails get us 10 times more clicks than all social networks combined.

But why do emails work so well? The answer is simple: email is private and personal.

If that’s not reason enough to start building your mailing list, here are some important benefits.

Guaranteed Audience – When using Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, your updates are likely to disappear due to the very nature of social media algorithms. However, people tend to check their emails much more carefully than their social media.

Access and ownership : you do not own the content you post on social media. At any time, your account can be suspended and you will lose all your sweats. Or what if your favorite social media platform goes bankrupt? We’re not saying they will, but your mailing list is yours. Second, you are not limited to social platform rules, such as character length or hashtag rules. You set the limits yourself. You can embed email newsletters on your WordPress blog more effectively than by integrating social platforms (we’ll show you how later in this guide).

Better targeting – The best part of building your mailing list is that you can use it to target your ads to your audience locally (for people in specific countries, cities, states). If you are launching a product in certain countries, email is the best way to reach your followers in that area.

Increase Revenue – The bottom line is that when you have a guaranteed reach, better targeting, and attention from your users, you will definitely increase your revenue.

But aren’t emails dead? Haven’t you heard that everyone is on social media?

This is a common statement, but if email usage was really dead, why do all social media platforms force you to sign up with an email address? ?

Email has been the most reliable form of electronic communication for the past two decades and it has not slowed down. Also, building a mailing list is much easier than creating a following on social media platforms.

Both Facebook and Instagram limit the reach of their pages to a small percentage of their followers unless you want to pay for ads. Also, your tweets only appear for a limited time in a user’s thread.

On the other hand, when you send an email, it reaches all of their sweats and goes back to their inbox until they act.

We are not saying that you should abandon social media. These sites are great for generating user engagement, but email will get you more visitors, conversions, and sales.

Eventually, a social networking site can either disappear or become less popular (remember Myspace?). When they disappear, they will take your followers with them.

On the other hand, email has been around since the dawn of the Internet. And it is still the most popular way to communicate online.

How to start building your mailing list

The first thing you need is a reliable email service provider.

These companies specialize in email delivery, and you need it to make sure your email reaches everyone’s inboxes (rather than having your email marked as spam).

Although you can use WordPress to send emails, we strongly recommend that you don’t (see why you should never use WordPress to send email newsletters).

These professional email service providers spend a lot of money and resources on their email delivery infrastructure to ensure that your emails don’t end up in your sweat spam folder.

All major companies like Facebook, Apple, eBay, and Amazon use a third-party email marketing service.

In addition to deliverability, these companies also provide you with email marketing tools that you will need to make your emails more effective.

What Email Marketing Service Should You Use?

There are many great email marketing providers.

It is a very competitive industry, which means companies are always trying to keep costs down while still offering many features.

These are some of the providers we have worked with and we highly recommend them.

Build your mailing list with email marketing software

Constant Contact is the best email marketing service provider for all sizes of businesses and businesses. Websites.

It allows you to send emails, manage sweats, track emails, view analytics, set up automatic responses, create awesome email templates’, target sweats and test your campaigns piecemeal.

This software allows you to capture email addresses, works easily with WordPress, and has integrations for the best WordPress plugins and tools.

The best part is, Constant Contact comes with a two month free trial. This gives you plenty of time to set up your mailing list and start capturing email addresses.

At the end of the trial period, your list will be profitable. Sign up free!

Other alternatives are SendinBlue, Drip, and ConvertKit. They all work well with WordPress and are easy to use for beginners.

For the purposes of this guide, we will show you how to set up a mailing list using Constant Contact. However, the process is quite similar regardless of which email service you choose.

Create your mailing list at Constant Contact

Let’s set up your mailing list. This is simply a list where you will store the contact information of all the users who subscribe to your email newsletter.

Go to sConstant Contact and click “Sign up for free”, then fill in your information.

After login, you need to click on ‘Contacts’ at the top of your Constant Contact dashboard.

Create your mailing list at Constant Contact

You will now see the contacts page. On this screen click the blue button “Create a list”.

email marketing Create a list

In this step, it is time to name your mailing list. It can be whatever you want, but we’ll call it “My Mailing List” for this example.

My Mailing List

You have finished creating your list that people can subscribe to. The next step is to add an email subscription form to your WordPress website where your readers can subscribe.

For more details on setting up your mailing list, check out our guide on how to add email subscriptions to your WordPress blog.

Add quotes to your mailing list with WPForms

While Constant Contact comes with an email inion creation form, the quickest way to get started is to use WPForms . It integrates seamlessly with Constant Contact to easily set up an inion form.

First of all, you need to install and activate the target WPForms Plugin . If you need help, follow our guide on how to install a plugin for step-by-step instructions.

Note: There is also a free version called WPForms Lite , which includes Constant Contact support but has limited functionality.

During activation, go to WPForms »Add New page , then select ‘Newsletter Inion Form’ template.

WPForms Add New page

You will see a sample form for inion to the newsletter within the form builder interface.

On the next page, you will receive a notification to connect your email marketing department in the marketing tab. More on this in a second.

Create be sure to change the name of your form by clicking the title. For this example, we’ve called it “Subscribe to recurring updates”, but you can name it whatever you want.

Click the orange “SAVE” button. Now you need to set up your confirmation message. Click on “Confirmations” on the left under “General” and we will update you.

The default confirmation message reads: “Thanks for contacting us! We will contact you shortly. May you put whatever you want here. This is the message your readers will see after subscribing to your newsletter.

Now click on the marketing tab on the left:

Constant Contact

The “Constant Contact” button will appear. Click on it to connect your new mailing list to the form we have created.

Add New Connection

To In the next step, click the “Add New Connection” button and you will see a pop-up window asking you to name your connection. We call it the “Newsletter Form”, but you can give it whatever you want.

After you, I’ll see this:

Click here to subscribe to Constant Contact

Click ‘Click here to subscribe to Constant Contact’ to enter your Constant details. You will now see a message asking you to allow WPForms to access your account. Click the “Authorize” button to continue.

You will receive a long authorization code to save your form.

authorization code to save your form

Enter your code, as well as the account nickname (make sure it’s familiar) in these fields. Click “Connect” and you’re done.

On the next screen, you can select the fields you want to move from your WPForm to your constant contact list. We have chosen “email” and “full name”, but you can select as many as you like.

Just make sure these two fields are on your subscription form.

subscription form

Click the big orange “Save” button when you’re done.

Your form is now set up and it’s time for on our WordPress site. For this example, we will put it in the sidebar.

Go to Appearance »Widgets page to add WPForms widget to your sidebar.

Appearance Widgets

Donaryourwidget a title and select the start form for your newsletter. Click the “Save” button to save the widget settings.

When you visit their website, your email subscription form will appear in the sidebar.


Now whenever someone enters their name and email address in their form, they will be added to your mailing list.

Grow your mailing list faster with OptinMonster

Did you know that more than 70% of your website visitors will never visit it again? The internet is too big and there are tons of websites and the competition is fierce in most industries.

You have a few seconds to convince a website visitor to stay and look around.

This is where OptinMonster . This is the best conversion optimization software in the world and it allows you to easily convert website visitors into customers and customers.


With this optin software you can configure welcome mats, exit intent pop-ups, swipe forms, floating bars, and more opt-in styles to capture as many sweats as possible.

From there, you can customize your form with style and use smart targeting rules to display it at the right time and place.

customize your form with style

Here’s an example of a subtle and polished slide shape used on the OptinMonster blog:

OptinMonster blog

One thing is essential: the user experience. In we have successfully used thishead lightbox pop-up and noticed a 600% increase in our sweats without affecting the user experience or seeing a decrease in page views.

OptinMonster is comes with a 14-day money-back guarantee, so if you use it and don’t see an increase in your sweats, you can get a full refund.

Interact with your sweats

Once you’ve started building your mailing list, it’s essential that you engage with your sweats.

Ideally, you should get in the habit of emailing them regularly, be it once a week or a month.

Not all emails have to be promotional. You can send emails to ask for feedback, give them helpful advice, or tell them about new content you’ve created.

We hope this article has helped you learn how to create a WordPress mailing list. You may also be interested in our list of proven and easy ways to grow your mailing list faster, along with our proven tips on how to increase your website traffic.
