Papyre FB2 alternative websites to download electronic books are still open? List 2023

Papyre FB2 alternative websites to download electronic books are still open? List 2023

Papyre FB2 , had become a benchmark  for lovers of reading. In it you could download a large number of books on different topics that, according to the same portal, there were more than 31,000. Can you imagine that amount of categorized knowledge available 24 hours a day? It was a dream and unfortunately it ended. They had to close, due to the number of lawsuits they received for copyright violation, so the portal is currently offline.

This website had a Red Tor technological infrastructure that allowed thousands of copies to be downloaded in different PDF and Mobi formats , to name a few. He was recognized for having an abundant source of works in different areas of knowledge; from philosophy, history, economics, technology, psychology, to poetry, modern and classical literature.

This is a big problem for lovers of reading and wisdom , because in this portal there were books that you couldn’t even find by paying in a bookstore since they were very old. However, this was not the only website that had this quality. Don’t you know of others? Well, continue reading and we will tell you what has happened with Papyre and what are the best alternatives to it that are currently online .

What happened to Papyre FB2? Doesn’t work or have they closed?

I put myself in your position, you want to search for a book and Papyre is not online . It is good that you know, that the company is persecuted by the entities in charge of regulating copyright, since they allege that the portal offers digital texts without the express consent of the authors , due to that, it has won countless million-dollar lawsuits, for which it has decided to close its space on the network.

However, they have found a way to bypass the judicial siege, using a provisional server through the Tor Network , here is the link for you to enter The web portal had earned an excellent reputation for the quality of the content of its works, which is why it managed to obtain millions of downloads worldwide .

The real problem here is that the brand is already in the crosshairs of the authorities , who surely already know about the existence of this new domain and must be looking for a way to end the root problem and prosecute the developers of the portal. So, in the not too distant future, Papyre may cease to exist forever.

List of the best websites to download free ebooks alternatives to PapyreFB2

As we already told you at the beginning of this article, there are many more portals that allow you to download free copies without any problem, as our friend Papyre already did. Some even have the backing of the authorities and carry out their functions without fear of being penalized in the future , although they do not have such an extensive database.

On the other hand, some of the portals that we will mention below do not have the consent of the authorities, but they do have a much more varied database than the previous ones, although we recommend that you do not fall in love with them too much because at any moment they could also disappear. That said, it is time for you to know which are the best currently active portals to download free ebooks .

Amazon Kindle

Amazon Kindle

Amazon offers a wide selection of free ebooks ( nearly 1,000,000 ) in Kindle format. You can read these with your Kindle tablet or through an app available on . It is always online, the connection is good at all times and the database of the works is constantly updated. It is a good option although there are books for which you will have to pay .


If you are looking for how to download free Ebooks, the site is the one, it gives you access to a directory of more than 75,000,000 books and articles  in various formats (PDF and ePub). As for the search, it has a navigation bar, which allows you to find what you want using keywords.

The only problem with the site is its low availability, due to frequent address and domain name changes and also being targeted by the authorities. Outside of this, it’s a real option.


For those who are looking for free electronic texts, this page presents a rich catalog of texts. Take a tour of the portal and find your favorite book. It is recognized for having an excellent catalog, you can find copies  of different areas of knowledge (Science and technology, Medicine and Health, Computer Ebooks, Business and economics). In addition, you can get Comic, self-help and cooking books.

I recommend it, their database is updated periodically. However, not all of them are free and to read some you will have to pay a monthly subscription. Beyond this, without a doubt its biggest attraction is that, like Amazon Kindle, you can publish your own ebooks and sell them on the web, being an excellent way to earn money doing what you like most in life.


As the name suggests, this site offers free eBooks. With more than 2600 e-books categorized and available for download . You have access to all types of formats: PDF, HTML, eReader, Free ePub. In the same way, you can enjoy newspapers, novels, comics, practical guides, etc. Its interface is simple, but effective, it welcomes you by informing you about the latest releases and it has a search engine  where you enter the name of the book, the author, its category or the genre and  it returns 30 results.

It also allows you to download reading formats and software and if you are a developer it makes programs available to you to create your own Ebooks. In order to stay afloat, the company requests the collaboration of users to cover operating costs such as hosting payments or fees to software developers . An excellent option, although it should be noted that most of the content is in French, so you will have to go through a translator later.

epub 1001 ebooks

It has become a real option for the reader community due to its variety. There you can find novels, comics, technical, digital, cultural, esoteric, humor and much more . It is one of the best Torrent sites .

Its web design is attractive, easy to use and very intuitive. It has a search bar that shows you the latest released books. The portal is always online and  to download the content you must register . The best thing about the site is that it does not have annoying ads. You can access from anywhere with any device; including PC, Tablet, Smartphones, PS4, Xbox .

This portal is in French, and so is most of the downloadable content, so you’ll have to go through a translator later.


Genesis Library is an incredibly powerful ebook search engine . Here you find most of the e-books that are for sale in popular libraries. It is up to you to choose the language and search for the e-books you want totally free using the P2P Torrent system.

Its connection is good, its web interface is simple and it incorporates a search engine to facilitate content exploration. He has millions of books to his credit. If we were to make an objective ranking in terms of importance and performance, Genesis Library would probably come first in this ranking.


Wikisource is Wikipedia’s counterpart for ebooks . Here you will find almost everything you are looking for as it has a complete directory to download free quality Ebooks in any language you want.

It is in the top 5 of portals of its kind , designed with a nice interface similar to Wikipedia, so you will be able to navigate through it without any problem. It has more than 2,56,039 free texts that in order to access them you must  create an account .

It is well categorized by branches of knowledge, it welcomes you by showing the latest additions on the right side of the screen in case you are looking for something new. The company also receives donations to continue operating, although these are not mandatory.

Is it dangerous to download e-books from these websites?

First of all, piracy is a reality that, unfortunately, book authors must deal with. Currently you can find several sites that offer illegal downloading of electronic texts. To these are added many platforms whose sole purpose is to defraud the reader, an already well-known phenomenon in film and music. Just do the test: type the name of a book in a search engine with the keyword “ebook” or “download”, dozens of results appear instantly offering you download.

Here, the real danger is that when you connect to a free book download site , your data can be stolen by hackers, so I recommend that if you are going to browse unknown pages, you do so using a VPN . In addition to this, it is important that you always have an active antivirus before opening anything you download from the internet, in this way you stay protected in case it contains a malicious file.

In general, the risks of downloading this type of content are the same as downloading any other, so we recommend that you take the necessary precautions to avoid bad times in the future.