On occasion, computers running Windows 7 will display an error code 31, “This device is not working correctly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device” may appear. While some error codes can be misleading and take you on a journey through a troubleshooting maze, error code 31 means exactly what it says. The problem has to do directly with the device connected to the computer, not the operating System of the computer. This is good news because by instantly knowing the cause of an error, troubleshooting time is dramatically reduced. It is also one of the 31 type reason code errors that can be handled faster than most errors with a few steps.
1. Visit the Microsoft Compatibility Center and verify that the connected device is compatible with your computer’s operating System. If it is, continue; If it is not, do not take all steps and install another device that is compatible so that it can work properly with your computer’s operating System.
2. Click on the “Start” button and click “Control Panel“.
3. Click “System and Security” under System, and then click “Device Manager.”
4. Click the device you want to update and double-click its name.
5. Click the “Driver” tab and click “Update Driver“. Enter your administrator / admin password or provide confirmation, if requested. If you still get the Code 31 error, continue.
6. Visit Microsoft’s automated troubleshooting website and run the “Mr. Fix It” diagnostic test.
Tips and Warnings
Check the compatibility of the device and operating system before purchasing any device that you intend to connect to your Windows 7 system. This will allow you to eliminate compatibility as the issue when problems arise. Also, being aware of the selection of alternative devices expands your purchasing options.
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