How To Choose The Best Email Automations For Your Business

How To Choose The Best Email Automations For Your Business

If email is not new, then why is email marketing making a splash?

Well, email marketing is one of the most economical and effective communication tools that a company has.

By sending emails to a mailing list, you not only offer quality content to your clients and potential clients, but it also serves to get you closer to your objectives, which can be:

  • Increase sales.
  • Increase your conversion rate.
  • Generate web traffic.
  • Capture potential clients and convert them.
  • Maintain and strengthen contact with clients.
  • Consolidate your brand.
  • Build customer loyalty.

For this reason, email marketing is much more than a marketing strategy. It is a powerful resource to promote business growth and give visibility to brands.

Keep reading the article to learn more about how you can take advantage of email marketing.

If email is not new, then why is email marketing making a splash?

Well, email marketing is one of the most economical and effective communication tools that a company has.

By sending emails to a mailing list, you not only offer quality content to your clients and potential clients, but it also serves to get you closer to your objectives, which can be:

  • Increase sales.
  • Increase your conversion rate.
  • Generate web traffic.
  • Capture potential clients and convert them.
  • Maintain and strengthen contact with clients.
  • Consolidate your brand.
  • Build customer loyalty.

For this reason, email marketing is much more than a marketing strategy. It is a powerful resource to promote business growth and give visibility to brands.

Keep reading the article to learn more about how you can take advantage of email marketing.

How it can help your business

If one of the goals you want to achieve is to consolidate your company, it is valuable that you evaluate the email marketing strategy.

How does it help your company?

  • It is an essential resource to obtain information about users and know the audience you are targeting to meet their needs.
  • The return on investment of this practice can be as high as 75%, a figure that is increasing.
  • It is more effective than social media, ensuring 50% more conversions, making it easier to get information from subscribers.
  • Each delivery has customizable features, such as the subscriber’s name and other preferences.
  • You get reports in real time, which allows you to analyze the results and apply improvements immediately. Furthermore, the study of these statistics is very simple, so it does not require professionals in the area.
  • One of the main reasons why this practice continues to be used effectively is its ability to offer businesses a more professional and trustworthy image.

Which plugin is one of the best known for email marketing management?

Newsletter is one of the most popular and effective all-in-one email marketing extensions for WordPress. Among its main features are:

  • Allows the design of responsive and mobile forms.
  • You have the ability to get unlimited subscribers and newsletters.
  • It has multilingual support.
  • It has free and paid extensions for greater functionality.

Also Read: SEO for ecommerce: keys to position your online store

Tips to succeed with your email automations

If you’ve reached this point, you’re ready to see what the best practices are to get the most out of email marketing automations. Are you ready? So take note.

  • Adopt an email marketing solution . In fact, it is essential to use software to produce campaigns without needing knowledge in design or programming.
  • Capture emails legally . If you decide to opt to purchase databases and send emails to unknown people, you can end up with fines and affect your open rate.

It is best that you comply with the General Data Protection Regulation, which is a European statute that protects consumers’ personal data, including their email addresses.

  • Segment contacts . Personalize messages according to the interests, purchase stage, lead scoring, age of your clients or future clients.
  • Optimize delivery capacity . The idea is to boost “deliverability,” a concept that reflects the deliverability of emails.

To achieve this, our advice is to keep the contact list updated and add a link in the email so they can unsubscribe, if they wish.

  • Create an attractive and professional design . The key is to generate emails that are pleasant to read and use email templates.

Choose a pre-designed one with your company colors. You just have to change the text of your different emails.

  • Customize the texts . To do this, take into account the following recommendations:
  1. Use a short, personalized subject so that the user feels that the email was written for them.
  2. Choose a template that complies with the “less is more” rule. Do not abuse images or long texts and present the content in a clear and direct way.
  3. Include your company logo in the header of the email.
  4. Make the headline, offer, and call to action stand out from the rest of the message.
  5. Apply the pyramid structure in the text. That is, the most important thing should go at the tip of the triangle and the least relevant thing at the base.
  6. Include buttons that lead to social networks to share and spread your content.
  7. Reflect your company’s contact information to generate trust and give guarantees to your subscriber.
  8. Don’t forget the unsubscribe button that makes it easier for people who want to leave.

Remember that email marketing continues to be one of the most profitable digital marketing channels.

It has such a large audience that you can classify it into different groups based on sociodemographic information.

In other words, with email marketing automation you can reach more customers and subscribers, increase sales, and optimize brand recognition.
